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- Experiences from Circular Procurement
Experiences from Circular Procurement
Procurement is considered a powerful tool for promoting the transition to a circular economy. Below are real examples of circular procurement processes for various product categories, providing insights into practical implementation.
Examples of Circular Procurement
These cases include examples of uses of circular criteria's that support resource efficiency and circular material management. Additionally, other forms of requirements, including circular business models, are explored. Hopefully, these examples can inspire procurers and suppliers who aim to expand and deepen their use of circular procurement.
Furniture Reuse, Adda's Framework Agreement — Region Halland
Project Description
Region Halland initiated a market dialogue to begin a procurement of reused furniture. In connection with this, Adda released its framework agreement for reused furniture, which the region decided to join.
How did it go?
Even though it was disappointing that the preliminary work did not lead to a new procurement, there were clear advantages to joining Adda's framework agreement. It contributes to a broader network, creates clarity for suppliers on what is required, and reduces administration for the individual procurer. At the same time, the preliminary work has provided experience, and reuse has gained a clearer place within the region's operations.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Just Start: The most important thing is to begin and experiment rather than trying to move quickly, perfectly, or too big. Learning by doing.
- Seek Help: Take advantage of the expert support available and be inspired by other actors who are engaged in similar projects.
- Give it the Time it Needs: This is especially true for market dialogues. You cannot continue as you always have, as different processes are required to incorporate circular thinking, which is a completely different way of thinking. You need to proceed slowly to ensure the results are effective.
Practical Information
Project Name: Reused Furniture and Related Services
Procuring Organization: Region Halland
Agreement Effective From: 2022
Contact Person: lindha.feldin@regionhalland.se and emelie.sens@regionhalland.se
Circular Criteria of the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Framework Agreement Part | Description |
Framework Agreement: Furniture Reuse incl. Related Services.
| Part A: Purchase/Rent, Nearby Services | With the help of Part A, you can easily acquire reused furniture or purchase related services (see below). The suppliers are represented in all counties. |
| Part B1: Furniture Renovation | With the help of Part B, you can hire a service for renovating your existing furniture. The suppliers are represented in each county and municipality, which means you can also contribute to local business development. |
| Part B2: Furniture Upholstery | With the help of Part B2, you can hire a service for reupholstering your existing furniture. The suppliers are represented in each county and municipality, which means you can also contribute to local business development. |
| Part C: Project Management, Interior Design Services | Through Part C, you can hire professional interior design support to help you optimize your project with a focus on reused furnishings. |
| Part D: IT Platform | With the help of Part D, you can extend the life of your existing furniture through a cloud-based digital platform. The platform makes it easy to buy/share used furniture internally so that they find new owners. The service includes comprehensive support for getting started with circular furniture management. This part also creates opportunities for employment-promoting measures in your own organizations. |
For more information about Adda's Framework Agreement for Reuse, visit Adda's website. External link, opens in new window.
Reusable Cushions — Region Gävleborg
Project Description
The healthcare sector within the region has long used disposable cushions, both for sleeping and as support material during treatments. This resulted in large quantities of purchased cushions and significant waste streams, as they were discarded for incineration after just one use. The cushions were produced in Asia and purchased by Region Gävleborg via a laundry service that provided new cushions and took back the old ones for waste management. To reduce both resource usage and waste, the region decided to procure reusable cushions.
How did it go?
The region chose to take a step back and rethink what function the cushions needed to serve within healthcare operations. Combined with a market analysis, a healthcare cushion that can be washed and reused was found. The cleaning of the barrier cushion is done via disinfection, carried out by the region's contracted cleaning company, resulting in less handling for healthcare staff and leading to cost savings. None of the users have complained about the cushions that have been put into use, and in the near future, reusable foldable cushions (as support material during treatments) will also be introduced. Cushions for sleeping and support material serve very different functions and therefore need to be designed differently.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Investigate who owns the issue in your organization.
- Conduct a needs assessment to identify the real need at all levels within the organization.
Practical Information
Project Name: Reusable Cushions
Procuring Organization: Region Gävleborg
Agreement Effective From: 2021
Contact Person: sigrid.petterssen@regiongavleborg.se
Circular Criteria of the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criterion Text |
Description of the wanted product
| Reusable Cushions | The region intends to sign a framework agreement with a supplier for the purchase and delivery of reusable cushions for healthcare. The cushions are intended for hospital beds. |
| Barrier protection | The cushion with barrier protection must be CE marked according to the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Regulation (EU) 2017/745. |
Mandatory Requirement
| Supplier’s Capacity: Reference Assignment | The supplier must have completed assignments similar to the one now requested in terms of both scope and content. The supplier must provide proof of this by submitting a reference from an ongoing or completed reference assignment in the last two years. The reference will be requested by the region. The region may verify the provided reference assignment and confirm that the assignment meets the specified requirements by contacting the given reference:
The supplier is responsible for ensuring that the contact people are informed of the conditions for reference checks and that they are prepared to confirm the information provided by the supplier in the bid. The reference should be able to verify the supplier's professional competence and ability. The reference should also be able to certify that the assignment was carried out according to agreed terms and recommend the supplier for future assignments. |
Award Criteria
| Quality measured by the proportion of recycled material | Samples of the barrier cushion will be evaluated using a model that awards higher quality deductions the more the filling contains recycled polyester in percentage. Quality deduction model:
Technical Specification
| Content of particularly hazardous substances (Candidate List) | Offered cushions must not contain substances listed on the current candidate list (Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)) in concentrations above 0.1% by weight (1000 mg/kg) per substance. The 0.1% by weight refers to each individual part of a product. The weight percentage applies to each individual part of the product and thus does not refer to 0.1% of the total product but to 0.1% of each constituent part. If new substances are added to the list during the contract period, the supplier must submit an action plan for phasing out the substance within 6 months after the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes a revised candidate list. Note that this requirement involves more than just complying with REACH legislation.
Restriction on Biocides (Antimicrobial Function) | Biocide Treatment | The cushions must not be treated with biocides. Definition according to Article 3 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of 22 May 2012 on the making available on the market and use of biocidal products. |
Recyclable Packaging and Wrapping Materials | Recyclable Materials | Packaging and wrapping intended for single use must be recyclable. If such packaging and wrapping are made of plastic, it must be made of a single material, be made of polyethylene or polypropylene, and be transparent. |
LCA, EPD, Climate Declarations or Similar | Life Cycle Analysis | Upon request, the supplier must provide life cycle analyses (LCA), environmental product declarations (EPD), climate declarations, or other similar documents, which are established or will be developed during the contract period, for the contracted cushions. |
Eco-labeling | Eco-label Requirements | The offered cushions must be eco-labeled with Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Class I or II, or another eco-label that the region considers equivalent or better. |
Workwear — Huddinge Municipality
Project Description
The procurement covers the purchase and delivery of workwear, protective and high-visibility clothing, gloves, shoes, and insoles. Although market dialogues indicated that a repair service for the workwear could be included in the procurement, no bidders were able to offer a repair service as part of the framework agreement. The municipality thus chose to procure repair as a separate service and to set requirements for other circular criteria.
How did it go?
The work has led to greater insights into how the municipality can streamline its work with circularity in procurements and what questions are appropriate to raise in a market dialogues. By limiting the range of clothing and applying more control over how the organizations care for and wash the clothes, the municipality has achieved higher quality clothing, garments that last longer, and greater opportunities for reuse within the municipality.
Tips for Beginners
One tip is to use the Circular Ambition Chart External link, opens in new window. as a discussion basis to define how circularity can be applied to the individual procurement.
Practical Information
Project Name: Workwear
Procurement Organization: Huddinge Municipality
Agreement Valid From: 22 August 2022
Contact Person: Roger Himmelssköld, upphandling@huddinge.se
Circular Criteria of the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirement | Environmental Management System | The supplier must systematically address environmental issues, such as through an environmental management system. The system must include:
Award Criterion
| Repair and Mending of Clothing and Shoes – 20% | The supplier must describe in their bid whether they can offer a repair and/or mending service for the workwear and/or shoes provided, and how this service can be utilized by the municipality. If a repair and mending service is offered, prices for different types of services should be described. The repair and mending service should not replace the warranty requirements of the products and the supplier’s obligations under the warranty. The assessment will be based on whether the service can be offered and the extent of the service, as well as the convenience for the municipality and the cost. |
| Recycled Material in Clothing – 10% | The supplier must indicate in column L of the price list whether the product contains recycled material. The assessment will be based on the proportion of product items containing recycled material, excluding product items for work shoes. |
Technical Specification | Take-Back of Worn-Out Products | The supplier must be able to take back worn-out workwear for reuse or recycling. Reuse and recycling include, for example, replacing newly manufactured material with the worn-out product, using it for re-design, re-make, or similar. The worn-out product can also be used for research and development to advance technology for increasing fiber reuse or similar to create better and more circular flows in the textile industry. |
| Limitation of Hazardous Substances | Goods delivered must not contain substances listed in the current candidate list (Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)) in concentrations above 0.1 weight% (1000 mg/kg) per substance. The 0.1 weight% applies to each individual part of a good. The weight percentage refers to each individual part of a composite good, not 0.1% of a composite product, but 0.1% of each component part. If new substances are added to the list during the contract period, the supplier must provide a plan for phasing out the substance within 6 months of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishing a revised candidate list. By accepting the requirement, the supplier certifies compliance. The municipality reserves the right to verify compliance during the contract period. The requirement may be met, for example, by the supplier having a valid license from one of the following labels for the delivered products:
| Non-Allowable Dyes and Pigments in Textiles
| Dyes and pigments listed in the table (insert table with relevant substances here) must not be present in textiles delivered under the contract in concentrations exceeding 50 mg/kg textile for each individual substance. |
| Water-Repellent or Waterproof Function Where Required | Textiles with water-repellent or waterproof function delivered under the contract must not contain perfluorinated compounds or cyclic siloxanes listed in the current candidate list (Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)) in concentrations exceeding 100 mg/kg textile. |
| Flame Retardants in Textiles Where Flame Retardant Function is Required | Textiles with flame retardant function delivered under the contract must not contain substances listed in the table (insert table with relevant substances here) in concentrations exceeding 5 mg/kg textile. |
| Dirt and Oil Repellent Function in Textiles Where Required | Textiles with dirt and oil repellent function delivered under the contract must not contain substances listed in the table (insert table with relevant substances here) in concentrations exceeding those specified in the table. |
| Plasticizers in Coatings, Finishes, and Prints | For textiles delivered under the contract with coatings/finishes and/or prints, the sum of the substances listed in the table (insert table with relevant substances here) must not exceed 0.1 weight percent (1000 mg/kg textile). |
| Limitation of Biocides | Textiles delivered under the contract must not be biocide-treated. Exceptions: Textiles where biocide function is specifically required as a feature.
| Formaldehydes | The level of free and (partially) hydrolysable formaldehyde (CAS No 50-00-0) must not exceed 20 ppm (20 mg/kg) in textiles delivered under the contract. Exceptions: Protective clothing covered by Regulation (EU) 2016/425 "Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)" is exempt from this requirement. |
Profile Products — Eskilstuna Municipality
Project Description
A procurement for a framework agreement for profile products for the municipality departments. The goal was to provide a fully circular product. Instead, the project resulted in a thorough review of the existing profile products, after which the range was narrowed based on which products were actually used. There were also stricter technical requirements for aspects such as the percentage of recycled material in the products, their quality, and chemical content.
How did it go?
The municipality did a thorough job of reviewing the entire range of products. They analyzed which profile products were primarily used with the aim of narrowing down the assortment. The municipal operations trust the evaluators' assessment, and the products in the new range have been appreciated, with quality being satisfactory. However unfortunately, the framework agreement has not achieved the anticipated impact. Participants believe that better follow-up further into the operations' branches is needed, as this is often where profile products are used.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Product procurement can be a good first step, as it may be easier to understand and set traditional environmental requirements.
- The "Circular Flanders" map, also known as the "circular target map," was a useful discussion tool. It helped to concretize the concept of circular procurement, which can otherwise be difficult for many to grasp.
- It is important and educational to have a dialogue with potential suppliers to understand where the market stands. Sometimes the market is already active and can contribute with ideas and thoughts. The local business office within the municipal organization can be a good place to start.
- Also, start the dialogues well in advance! They always take longer than expected, and it is not desirable to have to rush through the first circular procurement.
Practical Information
Project Name: Profile Products
Procuring Organization: Eskilstuna Municipality
Agreement Valid From: 2021
Contact Person: linnea.lindhe@eskilstuna.se
Circular Criteria for Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Technical Specification | Black tablet box fruit | Packaging must be FSC-certified or similar. |
| Monochrome mechanical pencil with clip | Mechanical pencil made largely (at least about 60%) from recycled or biodegradable materials. |
| Monochrome/two-tone ballpoint pen in plant fiber with clip | Pen must be made from biodegradable material (except for the refill and clip). |
| Reflective band, so-called Slap wrap | CE marked and approved according to EN-13356 standard. |
| Functional t-shirt for men and women
| Certification of ethical production, e.g., Fairtrade or equivalent. Certification of ecological production, e.g., Swan, EU Flower, or equivalent.
| Multi-scarf "buff" | Certification of ethical production, e.g., Fairtrade or equivalent. Certification of ecological production, e.g., Swan, EU Flower, or equivalent.
| T-shirt for men, women, and children |
Short-sleeved t-shirt made of 100% organic and ethically produced cotton, approx. 160 g/m2, round neck. Certification of ethical production, e.g., Fairtrade or equivalent. Certification of ecological production, e.g., Swan, EU Flower, or equivalent.
| Bag "tote bag" | PP non-woven and recyclable as plastic. |
| Paper cup with lid as an addition | Paper cups 100% biodegradable. |
| Ice scraper (not parking disc) | Environmentally friendly version made from at least 50% recycled plastic. |
| Water bottle with lid | Sports bottle made from bioplastic from sugarcane, CO2-negative. Food-grade and BPA-free. |
| Hoodie and polo shirt for men, women, and children | Hoodie made of at least 80% organic and ethically produced cotton, with a detachable front zipper, hood, and pockets. |
| Dark chocolate piece with packaging in three colors (green, turquoise, pink) | Certification of ethical production, e.g., Fairtrade or equivalent. Certification of ecological production, e.g., EU Leaf or equivalent.
| Black tablet box salmiak | Packaging must be FSC-certified or similar. Vegan option. |
Gypsum Waste — The Procurement Center for Östra Göinge, Osby, Hörby, Höör, and Bromölla
Project Description
The municipalities of Östra Göinge and Osby saw a need to create value from waste and close linear value chains. In a RE:source project, the joint procurement center (which also involves more municipalities) decided to explore the possibilities of recycling used gypsum boards. Here, the procurement center made a clear distinction that using gypsum for soil improvement was not considered reuse. The procurement center was in close contact with the area's waste management center, and the procurement focused on transportation and recycling. At the start of the project, the idea was also to create circular reuse/recycling of treated wood. After market dialogues, it was considered that the market was not mature enough, and it was too technically difficult to separate different types of treated wood waste (arsenic, creosote, other types of treatment). The procurement center, however, sees the potential to make another attempt in the future.
How did it go?
The municipal waste company for Östra Göinge and Osby municipalities, ÖGRAB, has been very important in driving the procurement. From market dialogue and discussions with other procurers, it became clear that bid prices could escalate to unsustainable amounts. The procurers therefore chose that bids could only compete on quality by setting a fixed price of 900 SEK for production and transportation per ton of gypsum waste. Bidders were asked to provide a process description from the time the gypsum was collected as waste until it was a finished gypsum board ready to be sold. There is some room for improvement in the evaluation model. For example, setting clearer requirements to avoid the need for supplements and refining the evaluation criteria to provide a more nuanced scoring where more circular aspects are included. However, as a first procurement, it was not as complex.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Dare to do it, don’t think too much about getting it 100% right the first time.
- Find someone within the organization who can help break the ice so that you can collaborate.
Practical Information
Project Name: Collection, Transportation, and Recycling of Gypsum Waste
Procuring Organization: The Procurement Center for Östra Göinge, Osby, Hörby, Höör, and Bromölla
Agreement Valid From: 2021
Contact Person: johanna.bengtsson@ostragoinge.se
Circular Criteria for Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Award Criteria | Evaluation of Bids | The assignment is procured at a fixed price per ton of gypsum waste including transport at SEK 900.00 excluding VAT. Evaluation of quality:
ÖGRAB evaluates submitted descriptions as follows:
The reference group will justify the evaluation based on the evaluation criteria. Reference group = users of the product/service, experts in the field. The bid with the highest total points in relation to the evaluated criteria, which is considered the most economically advantageous, will be accepted. If multiple bids receive the same evaluation, a closed price negotiation will take place. |
Technical Specification | Quality, Service, Environment,Occupational Health and Safety | Environmental impact in the assignment is an important part. The client and the contractor should jointly strive to reduce environmental impact. The transport must be continuously monitored and measured. The contractor must document the environmental impact of the transports, and the report must show the kilometers driven, energy consumption, and fossil carbon dioxide emissions. Reporting must be done annually and submitted to the client every February of the following year. The client and contractor should cooperate to improve the quality and service of the collection work, registrations, and reporting, as well as the working environment and traffic safety for the personnel. |
| Environmental Classification and Fuel | Heavy vehicles used in the assignment must at least meet the Euro V standards. When acquiring new vehicles for the transport assignment, these vehicles must at least meet the Euro VI standards. The fuels used within the framework of the assignment must meet the following environmental class or equivalent:
Fossil-free electricity is also accepted as an alternative to liquid and gaseous fuels. The contractor must, upon request from the client, provide documentation showing which fuels are used in the assignment. The fuels used within the assignment must physically contain a maximum of 10% fossil carbon, calculated as a percentage by weight of all carbon in the fuel. The proportion of fossil carbon is primarily determined by the specification from the fuel supplier and, in case of doubt, by the C14 method, e.g., ASTM D6866. |
| Eco-driving | All drivers performing transport within the assignment must be trained in eco-driving at the start of the operation. All additional drivers must receive equivalent training. |
Signage and Navigation — City of Malmö
Project Description
The goal of the procurement was to select a signage supplier who, in addition to providing signs, could also store, maintain, and reuse signs. In other words, a signage supplier with a comprehensive circular approach to signage, which the procurement successfully achieved.
How did it go?
The City of Malmö's first attempt to procure signage in a circular manner had to be halted, partly because the evaluation criteria were too vague for the evaluation to be transparent. This resulted in a new, clearer evaluation model that is easier for bidders to understand and apply. In this particular procurement, a strong focus was placed on circularity, making the added value relatively high. How municipalities handle their signage needs varies greatly both between and within municipalities. To succeed with a procurement like this, it is necessary that the need for signs becomes more uniform, which may require some preparatory work or work during the contract period. The City of Malmö is currently working on this by collaborating with the city's communicators to develop a signage manual that clearly specifies the types of signs to be used, their size, and appearance.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Choose to start with a market where there are suppliers who are ready, or where there may already be some elements of circularity.
- Conduct a thorough market analysis to ensure that you have not overlooked any player working with circularity. It can also be useful to join networks for circular procurement.
Practical Information
Project Name: Signage and Navigation with a Circular Approach
Procuring Organization: City of Malmö
Contract Valid From: 2020
Contact Person: robin.horqvist@malmo.se
Circular Criteria for the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirement (Supplier) | Sign Repair as a Service | In the service order, a certain number of hours of repair are included. |
| Environmental Management System | The bidder must conduct systematic environmental work in its operations. |
In description | Circular Approach | The goal of a circular approach is to reuse the signs as much as possible. First, the sign should be reused by the purchaser. Second, the sign should be reused by the supplier, and third, the sign should be handled and recycled in the best way possible. The supplier entering the framework agreement should work with Malmö city to create a structured system for purchasing and managing signs to ensure that:
Award Criteria (Supplier and Product)
| Signs in a Circular Flow | Signs and their materials should be reused as much as possible to reduce climate impact through closed material loops, slow material flows, and long product life. The signs should first be reused by the purchaser, secondly by the supplier, and thirdly recycled in the best possible way. |
| Reuse by Purchaser - Sign Storage |
Added Value
| Reuse by Supplier - Taking Back Sold Signs | When selling signs, the supplier commits to taking back signs when they can no longer be used by the purchaser, but where the entire or parts of the sign can be reused in the supplier's production. The return of signs should apply even after the expiration of the framework agreement and is part of the purchase condition and should apply for at least 4 years after the expiration of the framework agreement. Added value
Recycling of Signs and Electrical Materials | The bidder must have a well-executed material recycling process and waste management, where reporting to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) is conducted according to producer responsibility for electrical equipment. The bidder must submit a registration certificate and the latest report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Added Value
| |
Technical Specification (Product)
| In the description of the order of signs | The sign must be able to be disassembled for service and repair. |
| Freestanding Letters, Box Signs | Must consist of recycled acrylic. See specification in the shopping cart. |
| Phthalates | Offered products must be phthalate-free, meaning that each individual substance (no. 1-18) listed below must not exceed 0.1% by weight (1000 mg/kg).
| Plastic Content | Offered products made of or containing parts made of plastic must not contain the following substances in concentrations exceeding 0.1% by weight:
0.1% by weight refers to each individual part of an item. |
| Content of Substances of Very High Concern (Candidate List) | All products in the supplier's range must not contain substances listed on the current candidate list (Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)) in concentrations exceeding 0.1% by weight (1000 mg/kg) per substance. The weight percentage refers to each individual part of a composite item and does not refer to 0.1% of the composite product, but 0.1% of each component according to REACH. If the supplier has products containing these substances and exceeding the mentioned concentration, this must be reported to the contracting authority. The supplier should then submit a list of the affected products. If new substances are added to the list during the contract period, the supplier must, within 6 months after the European Chemicals Agency's (ECHA) publication of a revised candidate list, present an action plan for phasing out the substance.
| Associated Services - Service and Maintenance | All signs must be designed to enable maintenance in a simple and practical manner. Maintenance refers to cleaning, repair, and replacement of. |
Reused Furniture and Related Services — City of Malmö
Project Description
The City of Malmö previously conducted a procurement for reused office furniture and related services. The intent was to expand this agreement to include furniture for schools by dividing the contract into two sections: A - office furniture and related services, B - school and preschool furniture. To ensure that no hazardous chemicals were present in the reused furniture, the procurer required that the furniture should not have been produced before 2015. Because of this there was no need for suppliers to provide additional evidence that the reused furniture was free from hazardous chemicals. Additionally, the chemical requirements for any added materials match those applied to newly produced furniture. If a bidder met the requirements, they were approved to be part of the framework agreement. There was no limit to the number of suppliers who could be included.
How did it go?
It is crucial not only for procurers to understand the importance of reuse but also for those who purchase within the framework agreement to do so. To facilitate this, the City of Malmö uses a circular prioritization framework with recommendations on how purchasers can think when making purchases (first review what already exists, if something can be repaired, then buy reused, and as a last resort, buy new). For example, circular criteria should be as obvious as other sustainability criteria. The procurement involved close collaboration both within the organization and with suppliers. It is yet to be determined how effective using an age criterion for furniture has been in controlling chemical content.
Tips for Beginners
- Dare to experiment and innovate in the procurement processes.
- Identify key individuals within your organization who can help drive the initiative. Be open to working with suppliers and growing together. In some cases, the industry may be mature enough to set requirements, while in others, they may need a nudge. In such cases, focus on dialogue and collaboration throughout the contract period. .
- Furniture is a good entry point as the industry is mature and the threshold is low. But don’t limit yourself to sectors that are already mature. Dare to be a pioneer.
- It’s important to be kind to yourself and understand that it doesn’t have to be perfect and 100% circular from the start.
Practical Information
Project Name: Reused Furniture and Related Services
Procuring Organization: City of Malmö
Contract Effective From: 2022/23
Contact Person: johanna.tunlid@malmo.se
Circular Procurement Criteria
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirements | Environmental Management System
| Tenderers must conduct systematic environmental work in their operations. |
| References | Tenderers must have an organization with the necessary capacity, professional knowledge, and experience to carry out the assignment. The tenderer must have completed at least three (3) reference assignments in the past three (3) years (counting from the final tender date) of a similar nature and scope as what is requested in this procurement for private and/or public sectors. Similar refers to two (2) smaller assignments involving the delivery of individual (two or more) pieces of furniture that are either renovated (reconditioned, reupholstered, etc.) or delivered in their original condition, and at least one (1) larger assignment involving the delivery of furniture and furnishings in office and/or school environments.
| Spare Parts | Delivery time for any spare parts for the supplier's sold products, which the purchaser wishes to replace themselves, should be made available to the purchaser within a reasonable time after ordering. |
| Warranties | The warranty period for furniture and furnishings should be at least one (1) year for electrical components and at least three (3) years for furniture, calculated from the day the product is delivered in full. This does not include visible damage present on products at the time of purchase or damage the purchaser has been informed about. Damage the purchaser has been informed about should be noted on the order confirmation and invoice. |
| Legal Requirements: CE Marking and Chemical Legislation | Electrically operated products must be CE marked in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC or the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, where such marking is required. Upon request, the supplier must provide a declaration of compliance with the relevant legislation according to the REACH Regulation, RoHS Directive, POPs Regulation, and Biocidal Products Regulation for the offered product. |
| Content of Chemical Substances: Wood | For goods or parts of goods made of wood, the supplier must always recoat the item if the previous coating is worn off or if uncoated surfaces have otherwise appeared on the item. In this way, older chemicals, such as glue, are encapsulated in the product rather than released into the premises where the item will be used. |
| Content of Chemical Substances Purchased and Added by the Supplier for Furniture Renovation | For furniture and furnishings to be sold to the City of Malmö, the following requirements apply to materials and chemical products purchased and added by the supplier for furniture renovation. The requirements also apply to materials added by the supplier during coating or other surface treatments. All requirements are listed by the Public Procurement Agency and in the appendix to the Public Procurement Agency’s sustainability criteria.
Newly added materials should not contain actively added chromium (neither Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI) nor Trivalent Chromium (Cr(III)) or PVC. For cables to electronic products (e.g., height-adjustable tables), PVC is accepted. However, the City of Malmö encourages suppliers to consider alternative sustainable materials during the contract period. |
| Environmental Impact Measurement | One (1) year after the contract starts, the selected supplier must participate in dialogue with the city regarding the measurement of environmental savings (e.g., CO2 savings) through the call-offs on the contract. A meeting for dialogue will be scheduled at the start of the contract. |
| EPD | To map a product's environmental performance from a life cycle perspective, various certifications exist, such as the international EPD® system verified according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards. |
| Recycled Furniture and Furnishings | For the framework agreement, recycled furniture is defined as used, second-hand, or reused furniture that is not new, i.e., furniture that has been used by at least one other owner/user. Exceptions:
The tenderer must indicate a general discount rate on recycled furniture and furnishings. The discount rate should be calculated based on the published prices on the tenderer’s website (if published prices exist). The discount rate is fixed for the entire contract period and is considered the minimum discount. The supplier may offer a higher discount rate for specific call-offs. |
| Requirements for Added Materials and Chemical Products in Connection with Renovation |
New materials and chemical products (e.g., surface treatment) added by the supplier or subcontractor for renovation purposes on used furniture to be delivered under the framework agreement must at least meet sustainability requirements according to the appendix (insert an appendix with sustainability requirements) if the product is intended for an environment where children regularly reside (e.g., furniture for schools and preschools) and the appendix (insert an appendix with sustainability requirements for products in environments where children reside). Procuring authorities may require that new materials and chemical products meet requirements according to the entire or parts of the list of requirements according to the appendix (insert an appendix with sustainability requirements). The request for relevant compliance should be stated by the purchaser at the time of call-off, i.e., before the renovation is carried out.
| Washing Chemicals for Furniture Cleaning (Textiles and Upholstery) | For furniture cleaning, the requirements in the annex (insert an annex with sustainability requirements) must be met. |
| Waste and Recycling | The supplier should strive to minimize waste generated. Leftover materials that cannot be used for other purposes must be recycled according to applicable regulations and laws. |
| Re-design |
The supplier should offer re-design of furniture that, for example, is at the end of its life cycle, that the procuring authority no longer needs, or that is deemed not to have sufficient resale value for further distribution/sale. Re-design means that the main components of a piece of furniture are reused to produce a new piece of furniture from the material that is repurposed. For example, tabletops can be converted into shelves, or larger tables can be made into smaller ones, etc. The definition is: The supplier reuses frames and materials from the buyer's furniture to transform a piece of furniture or interior from one color or function to another according to the buyer's requirements for size, design, and needs. For example, the supplier might manufacture a reception desk, convert a conference table into a coffee table, or create shelves from old desk tops, etc.
| Sales and Rental | The supplier should offer the sale and rental of reused furniture. The procuring authority may also have a need to rent furniture for both short and long periods. During the rental period, the supplier owns the product, and after the rental period, the supplier takes back the product. Detailed rental conditions are stated in the contract terms. |
| Upgrading furniture in connection to selling it | The supplier should be able to perform furniture upgrades on the furniture they sell. Depending on the type of furniture being upgraded, the procuring authority should, as far as possible, specify which measures are to be performed (e.g., repainting metal parts, re-treating wooden surfaces, reupholstering/re-padding, converting desks, etc.). The supplier should, if requested by the procuring authority, provide advice on material choices. |
| Furniture Upholstery | The supplier should be able to provide reupholstery services for upholstered furniture. This means the supplier should have access to a wide range of textiles/leather and padding materials. The supplier should, if requested by the buyer, assist with advice regarding the choice of fabric and padding. |
| Inventory | The supplier should offer an inventory of the procuring authority's furniture. The purpose is for the procuring authority to gain an understanding of the furniture inventory within the organization (or within a specific part of the organization) - which furniture exists, in what volumes, etc. The inventoried furniture should be registered by the supplier in, for example, Excel format or entered into an inventory system/cloud-based IT platform referred to by the procuring authority. The inventory should be offered both on-site at the procuring authority and remotely. During remote inventory, the procuring authority may assist with parts requiring physical presence. The inventory should result in a list consisting of at least the following:
| Classification of the Procuring Authority's Furniture and Preparation of an Action Plan | The supplier should offer an objective classification/analysis of the buyer's existing furniture/interior and provide a written action plan in consultation with the buyer. The action plan should be usable by the procuring authority for future procurements.
The classification can take place in both larger and smaller premises. A written action plan with at least the following content should be documented by the supplier:
| Disposal of the Procuring Authority's Furniture |
The supplier has the opportunity to purchase furniture from the procuring authority through renewed competitive tendering. The cost of disposal includes all costs associated with removing the furniture from the procuring authority's premises. The bidder undertakes to value all the furniture the procuring authority intends to dispose of and subtract the furniture's value from the cost of disposal. The bidder is responsible for ensuring that all applicable laws and regulations are met when reintroducing the furniture disposed of via the framework agreement to the market. Upon disposal, the procuring authority contacts the approved suppliers with product information and pictures of the furniture. The supplier offering the highest price gets to buy the furniture. The procuring authority may, depending on tax liability, inform how VAT should be handled by the supplier in their pricing during the disposal inquiry. A procuring authority is under no obligation to turn to framework agreement suppliers for disposal; this should only be seen as an option.
| Information on End-of-Life Textiles | A more circular handling of textiles also means that end-of-life textiles are managed in the best possible way. The supplier must be able to account for what happens to end-of-life textiles/discarded textiles (e.g., reuse, recycling, incineration, dyeing, waste, etc.). The supplier must be able to show that this condition is met by describing how the textiles are discarded (e.g., for reuse, recycling, incineration, dyeing, waste, etc.) and who receives them. |
| Action Plan
| The supplier should specify an action plan for existing furniture for each of the following three areas:
| Waste and Recycling | The bidder should strive to minimize waste generated during furniture renovation. Leftover materials that cannot be used for other purposes must be recycled according to applicable regulations and laws. |
Technical Specification for Reused Furniture and Related Services (A) | Mandatory Services | The following services are linked to hourly rates/ceiling prices, according to the bid, which can only be undershot during quotation:
Delivery and installation of furniture and interior are mandatory and are linked to an hourly rate/ceiling price, according to the bid, which can only be undershot during quotation. In addition to the cost of the above services, the following should be included at no extra cost:
| Desirable Services |
Delivery and installation of furniture and interior are mandatory and are linked to an hourly rate/ceiling price, according to the bid, which can only be undershot during quotation. In addition to the cost of the above services, the following should be included at no extra cost:
| PVC | Furniture offered should not contain PVC, with the exception of electrical cables. |
| Chrome, Nickel, Zinc |
Furniture offered should not contain components intended for regular contact with skin (e.g., armrests) that are surface-treated with chrome, nickel, or zinc. Furniture offered should not contain components that are surface-treated with products containing hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). Surface treatment with trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) in combination with nickel and/or zinc is accepted for components on stackable furniture, foldable furniture, or furniture that may be subjected to heavy wear (e.g., bases, legs).
| Plasticizers, Flame Retardants, Heavy Metals |
There is a risk that older padding/filling materials made of foam plastic/foam rubber contain unacceptable levels of harmful plasticizers, flame retardants, and heavy metals. Therefore, padding/filling of foam plastic in furniture older than 2015 should be replaced in all products delivered under the framework agreement. New padding/filling must meet the requirements according to the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement Authorities annexes for sustainability criteria level basic and advanced.
Technical Specification for Reused School Furniture (B) | Desirable Services |
Delivery and installation of furniture and interior are mandatory and are linked to an hourly rate/ceiling price, according to the bid, which can only be undershot during quotation. In addition to the cost of the above services, the following should be included at no extra cost:
| PVC | Furniture offered should not contain PVC, with the exception of electrical cables. |
| Chrome, Nickel, Zinc | Furniture offered should not contain components intended for regular contact with skin (e.g., armrests) that are surface-treated with chrome, nickel, or zinc. Furniture offered should not contain components that are surface-treated with products containing hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). Surface treatment with trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) in combination with nickel and/or zinc is accepted for components on stackable furniture, foldable furniture, or furniture that may be subjected to heavy wear (e.g., bases, legs). |
| Supplier's Knowledge Regarding Materials | If the supplier does not have knowledge of the chemical content and cannot guarantee current legal compliance, textile parts, foam rubber, and plastic materials should be replaced with new materials that meet the requirements according to the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement Authorities annexes with sustainability criteria. |
| Möbelfakta | It is desirable that the furniture offered is certified with Möbelfakta for sustainability. In cases where environmental certification is available, a valid license should be able to be shown upon request. |
Leasing of Multifunction Printers — Region Uppsala
Project Description
A typical procurement process for leasing multifunction printers with a specific focus on sustainability criteria, where leasing itself was the circular aspect of the procurement.
How did it go?
The requirements aligned with those that the supplier places on their subcontractors. This means the industry was ready. The region set stricter requirements in the desirable criteria (award criteria) to encourage change.
Tips for those who want to start
- Dare to go for it.
- Don’t be afraid to test the market; you'll quickly notice if the market is not ready.
- Seek help from your environmental unit or similar to get assistance.
Practical Information
Project Name: Leasing of Multifunction Printers
Procuring Organization: Region Uppsala
Contract Valid From: 2023
Contact Person: robin.jande@regionuppsala.se
Circular Criteria for the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Award Criteria | Energy Consumption | The TEC value, or Typical Electricity Consumption, refers to a product's energy consumption during normal usage. Primarily developed to rank products for the ENERGY STAR energy efficiency standard. For example, in the printer category, the TEC value refers to the number of kWh/week during typical usage. The TEC value should be based on ENERGY STAR 3.0. It gives 0 to 5 points per category based on the interval that the typical configuration meets. |
Technical Specification | Special Environmental Requirements: Recycled Plastic | The supplier must have a plan to increase the proportion of recycled plastic in document management products and consumables. Recycled plastic refers to plastic recycled after the consumer stage (post-consumer recycled plastics). |
Mobile Phones and Repairs — Ronneby Municipality
Project Description
The municipality faced several issues when employees' work phones were damaged. Employees had to drive long distances to the nearest repair shop, which was both time and resource inefficient, and the employee could be without a work phone during the repair period. In collaboration with the IT manager, the procurer determined that by setting requirements for repairs, loan phones during the repair time, reuse, and stockpiling, the problem could be solved, and the lifespan of the phones extended.
How did it go?
An agreement was established, resulting in the availability of a local provider who can repair mobile phones, which has also led to more reused phones within the organization. Some actors were dissatisfied with Ronneby's requirements on the supplier being close in proximity, believing the municipality should handle reuse, repairs, and stockpiling within their own organization. The municipality did not have the resources for this, and the increased demands on suppliers could potentially create a platform for individuals outside the organization to extend the lifespan of their phones.
Tips for those who want to start
- Dare to test the market! The worst that can happen is that you need to redo the procurement.
- Dare to have dialogues with market actors.
Practical Information
Project Name: Circular Procurement of Mobile Phones and Accessories
Procuring Organization: Ronneby Municipality
Contract Valid From: 2020
Contact Person: teo.zickbauer@ronneby.se
Circular Criteria for the Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirement | Environmental and Quality Assurance | If the bidder is not certified according to ISO or equivalent, the bidder must at the latest by the contract start meet the requirements below. The bidder must have a documented and applied quality assurance system that at least includes:
Technical Specification
| Availability, Repairs, Drop-off and Pickup, etc | The purchasers need advice, mobile phone repairs, and accessory pick-up. Service, drop-off, and pick-up of mobile phones and accessories must be available during business hours on weekdays within Ronneby town. Repairs of cracked screens must be possible on-site and completed within 4 hours. |
| Repairs and Service | The supplier must handle warranty service and repairs of sold products. The supplier covers the shipping cost to the supplier’s service partner for both warranty service and repairs based on a cost estimate. For repairs outside the warranty, if requested by the purchaser, a cost estimate must be sent and accepted by the purchaser before repair is carried out. Otherwise, the requirements under section 4 Criteria for Extended Lifespan apply. |
| Reuse, Environmental Requirements | The procuring authorities set requirements for environmental and climate impact. The effect is increased circularity by requiring, among other things, incentives for increased lifespan/usage time of machines and better recycling or reuse management. It is important to protect biodiversity and work to stop climate change, acidification, eutrophication, the spread of harmful chemicals, and much more.
| Functional Requirements |
| Range of Mobile Phones |
| Loan Phone
| If the damage cannot be repaired within eight working hours, the supplier must provide an acceptable loan phone to the purchaser at no extra cost. |
| Repair or Trade-in |
The supplier must have a systematic solution for repairs or trade-in of damaged mobile phones. The solution offered may be in the form of insurance that applies throughout the contract period or in the form of a discount that can be used to cover the cost of repair or trade-in for a used or refurbished unit. It should, if possible, allow the phone to be used for at least 4 years. The solution must enable the purchaser to repair damage at no or low cost or trade in the damaged mobile phone for at least an equivalent one throughout the phone's expected lifespan. An acceptable lifespan should be at least 4 years.
| Longer Lifespan for Mobile Phones | Protective cases must be included with the order of a mobile phone and must not be made of PVC. Upon request by the purchaser, the supplier must provide a content declaration. |
| System for Reuse of Functional Mobile Phones | The supplier must have a system for handling functional mobile phones that the purchaser wishes to dispose of. |
| Offering Reused Mobile Phones | The supplier must be able to offer reused mobile phones for purchase under this contract. If this is not possible due to a lack of models or other circumstances, exceptions can be made. |
| Recycling | The supplier must have a system for recycling non-functional mobile phones. This is to handle mobile phones that neither work nor can be repaired at a reasonable cost. |
| Incentives for Return, Reuse, and Recycling | A discount/premium must be offered to the purchaser if the mobile phone is returned to the supplier or to a company contracted by the supplier that offers the service of taking back the mobile phone for reuse. Returned mobile phones must be reused in countries with responsible reuse/recycling systems. |
| Systems and Controls to Ensure Integrity during Reuse | The supplier must have a system that guarantees that all data is erased from mobile phones that are reused. The supplier may use third-party services for this purpose but is responsible for integrity regardless of the service as long as the purchaser follows the instructions and routines that apply to this. The system and the cost for this must be included in the agreed prices. |
Used Forwarder — Ronneby Municipality
Project Description
When procuring a forwarder for the agricultural high school, the municipality chose to purchase used forwarders with the aim of extending the machines' lifespan. Instead of requiring a specific model, the procurement specified the necessary features the machine must have and a limit on mileage. The municipality decided to specify in the title that the procurement was for used forwarders, although theoretically, bidders could also submit an offer with a newly manufactured machine.
The procurement and its title sent a clear signal to market actors that the municipality intends to make circular purchases. This, in turn, encourages suppliers to think outside the box, knowing that the municipality is an innovative customer.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Dare to test the market! The worst that can happen is that you need to redo the procurement.
- Don’t hesitate to have dialogues with market actors.
Practical Information
Project Name: Used Forwarder for Agricultural High School
Procuring Organization: Ronneby Municipality
Contract Effective From: 2023
Contact Person: teo.zickbauer@ronneby.se
Circular Procurement Criteria
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria text |
Description | Used Forwarder | Purchase of one used forwarder for Blekinge Agricultural High School. |
Mandatory Requirements | Environmental Management | The bidder must have an environmental management system in place at the start of the contract that can be used to reduce the environmental impact of the assignment. This system must include:
Renting Multifunctional Products — Ronneby Municipality
Project Description
As people worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, it became evident that many of the multifunctional products within the municipality's operations were barely used and had a significantly longer lifespan than a typical procurement period. Therefore, the municipality wanted to make it possible for suppliers to provide the services they already did with reused machines, as long as the quality and service remained at the same standard as before. This was done by removing the previous requirement that machines had to be newly manufactured. Previously, the municipalities had chosen to rent the machines and pay for the services used by employees. This creates an incentive for suppliers to properly service their machines and maximize their lifespan to, in turn, minimize costs.
The procurement was carried out jointly with Karlshamn Municipality (which had been done previously), with Ronneby as administrator. Before the procurement, the municipality held a market dialogue to assess if the market would be able to deliver. From this, they knew that at least one actor would be able to submit a bid. The procurement resulted in a contract, and many of the machines from the previous procurement were not replaced and their lifespan could be extended.
Tips for Those Who Want to Start
- Dare to test the market! The worst that can happen is that you need to redo the procurement.
- Don’t hesitate to have dialogues with market actors.
Practical Information
Project Name: Renting Multifunctional Products and Their Services
Procuring Organization: Ronneby Municipality
Contract Effective From: 2022
Contact Person: teo.zickbauer@ronneby.se
Circular Procurement Criteria
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirement | Environmental and Quality Assurance | The supplier must have an environmental management system in place at the start of the contract that can be used to reduce the environmental impact of the assignment. The system must include:
Technical Specification | Mandatory Criteria | These criteria must be met. Read more on the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement’s website General Criteria:
Document Management Products:
Reuse, Environmental Requirements | The contracting authorities set requirements on environmental and climate impact. The effect is increased circularity by setting requirements for increased machine lifespan and better recycling or reuse management. It is important to protect biodiversity and work to stop climate change, acidification, eutrophication, the spread of harmful chemicals, and much more. The overall environmental burden must decrease. Companies that adapt their production and products to the environment are crucial in this work. The goal is to reduce environmental impact through:
| |
Environmental Labeling | Indicate if environmentally labeled products are offered, and if so, which environmental label. |
Reused Furniture for the Interior of Selma Lagerlöf Center — White Architects Norra Hisingen
Project Description
The procurement of furniture and interior design for the Selma Lagerlöf Center in Hisings Backa focused on maximizing reuse. As a result, 92% of all furniture and interior design were sourced from reused furniture or materials.
How did it go?
The collaboration from the procurement also resulted in a new procurement procedure: “Procurement of carpentry within reused interior design, which also handles purchasing, logistics, and storage - in connection with the furnishing of a cultural center with a district office at Selma Lagerlöfs Torg.” The use of reuse led to significant financial savings. The initial budget was set at 12 million SEK based solely on new purchases, but only 4.8 million SEK was used.
Tips for those who want to start:
- “Dare to do it” and trust that the interior designer understands the process. There is no other way forward, and everyone is on board but hesitant to commit. Dare to seek help from those who know.
- Procurement officers must understand from the bidding process that working with reuse is more time-consuming.
- It may also be desirable to have a project manager who handles all logistics related to the reuse issue and works in parallel with the interior designer. This is described in both Adda and Gothenburg City's framework agreement for the reuse of furniture.
Practical Information:
Project Name: Reused Furniture for the Interior of Selma Lagerlöf Center
Procuring Organization: District Administration Norra Hisingen (Note: The administration has ceased to exist)
Contract Effective From: 2016
Contact Person: Annie.leonsson@white.se
Circular Procurement Criteria
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Procurement of Interior Architecture Services — In Connection with the New Construction of a District House with Cultural Spaces in Selma City
Criteria Type | Title | Kriterietext |
Description of the Assignment | “... Three important components of the assignment are to work with reuse/re-design, the library, and an activity-based office (…) To develop this proposal, an inventory of existing furniture and interiors must be conducted with the aim of reusing as much of it as possible. The proposal should then be supplemented with manufacturing/re-create and new purchases. (…) Reuse and re-create of furniture should be a significant part of the interior design, both for sustainability and to create the welcoming, warm house that blends the old with the new, as is desired." | |
Evaluation of Tenders |
Points 1-3, experience/competence and qualities are weighted at 70% - an evaluation template is attached. Point 4, price, is weighted at 30%. The purchaser will highly value factors such as competence and qualities, as these factors are crucial for the district house with cultural spaces to be designed in line with the vision and the collaborative spirit that has permeated the entire project, from the initial idea sketch through the feasibility study and construction project. If the suppliers are judged to be equal in terms of competence and qualities, the price will determine who is awarded the contract. |
Procurement of Carpentry within Reuse Interior Design, Which Also Handles Purchasing, Logistics, and Some Other Craftsmanship — In Connection with the Furnishing of a Cultural Center with a District Office at Selma Lagerlöfs Torg
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Award Criteria (Product) | Evaluation of Tenders |
Technical Specification (Supplier) | Competence Requirements | The bidder must have the capacity to carry out the assignment and its various parts according to the requirements set out in the request for proposal.
Since the assignment requires a broad range of skills, services, and resources, the bidder may use subcontractors. This must be indicated in the bid, and the subcontractors must be listed and described. |
Light as a Service — Bollnäs Municipality
Project Description
The purpose of the initial procurement was to upgrade lighting and sound absorbers in schools and preschools. At the same time, T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes were to be phased out, and developments in LED lighting were gaining momentum. The municipality aimed to create a procurement process that could take advantage of this development and avoid being limited to the best lighting options available at the time of procurement. This led to the procurement of lighting as a service. Additionally, the facilities needed to be converted from school settings to preschool settings, with a high likelihood of similar adjustments occurring in the future. Therefore, the municipality wanted to create flexibility in the procurement to handle these types of changes.
How Did It Go?
The procurement has provided significant flexibility, benefiting both staff and students. There is flexibility during the day where the lighting in the room can be adapted according to activities, and different parts of the room can be tailored to individual needs. Additionally, the flexibility allows for changing the lighting twice a year (before the start of the semester) to suit the type of educational activities being conducted.
The flexibility in how different parts of the rooms are illuminated has meant that they can be adapted to each individual student's needs. This has granted greater freedom for visually impaired students who previously needed assistance, for example, to get food in the cafeteria. Now, they can see the food themselves as the lighting is adjusted. Students who previously had low energy also gained more energy and became happier in their school. The supplier engages with teachers in each classroom to fully understand their needs. The lighting in a room can also be adjusted based on its use; for example, different lighting settings are used when children are playing in the preschool and when they are having lunch in the same room.
Energy consumption has decreased significantly since the implementation of the procurement. However, this is also partly attributed to the development of LED lamps. The requirements specify that the supplier must discuss students' needs with them. This has led to students learning about circular economy while also understanding how lighting impacts their learning. This has increased students' curiosity about circular economy, and teachers have started demanding better lighting solutions.
Tips for Getting Started
- “Dare to ask for help!” We needed experts to understand what we needed to request. “Contact Bollnäs” — we are happy to share procurement documents!
- Conduct a thorough market analysis to understand your market. Also, assess the needs within your organization and speak with as many different actors as possible.
- It was incredibly helpful that the management was so positive. Instead of focusing on risks and potential issues, they concentrated on the best possible outcomes.
Practical Information
Project Name: Light as a Service
Contracting Organization: Bollnäs Municipality
Contract Start Date: 2016
Contact Person: Annie.leonsson@white.se
Procurement's Circular Criteria
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirements | Experience and Reference Projects | The municipality values close collaboration with the contractor and prefers their involvement in the entire process, including new constructions and projects. To utilize the contractor’s full expertise, it is essential that the bidder actively participates, provides advice, and collaborates with the municipality on future projects and renovations. Bidders must provide one (1) reference for similar commitments completed in the last three (3) years with satisfactory results. Similar commitments mean that the bidder has previously worked closely with the client/customer, actively participated, and worked together to achieve the best possible outcome while utilizing expertise. The contracting authority reserves the right to decide whether a reference will be checked. |
| Circularity and Sustainability/Environment |
The client aims to procure products with as much reused and/or recycled material as possible to reduce material and energy consumption in production and the use of finite resources. During production, the use of virgin material and energy consumption should be minimized. The bidder must, upon request, verify that plastic is recycled. The environmental criteria are based on three aspects: sustainability, reuse, and energy consumption. Sustainability and reuse refer to environmental impact during manufacturing and after the product is used. Energy consumption refers to the amount of energy required by the product during use. Reuse: Reuse refers to the process of using the product or parts of the product again in its existing or nearly existing condition without altering the material through processes such as melting, crushing, or similar actions in the manufacturing process. Recycling: Recycling refers to material recycling, which means replacing virgin (newly produced) material with collected previously used material. Legal Requirements: Used materials and components must be recycled in accordance with Swedish and international legislation.
Environment | The supplier must contribute to sustainable development by considering environmental impacts and conserving natural resources in all activities. The operations must comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations. | |
Reuse/Recycled Material/Components in Light Sources | The products (complete fixtures with light source and components) offered should consist of as much reused and/or recycled material as possible. Describe the percentage of the product made from reused materials/components. If possible, specify the country of origin of the material. 0-100%. Each percentage point is worth 2000 SEK. Describe the percentage of the product made from recycled materials/components. If possible, specify the country of origin of the material. 0-100%. Each percentage point is worth 1000 SEK. If the total percentage exceeds 100%, the added value deduction will only apply to the portion of the product made from recycled material/components. The supplier must be able to prove the proportion of materials/components that can be reused/recycled upon request. If the supplier cannot provide this proof, no added value deduction will be granted for this part. If the information on percentages is missing from the bid, no added value will be given. | |
Reuse/Recycling of End-of-Life Products |
Describe the percentage of the product that can be reused. 0-100% (specified as % per kilogram) Each percentage point is worth 2000 SEK. Describe the percentage of the product that can be recycled. 0-100% (specified as % per kilogram) Each percentage point is worth 1000 SEK. If the total percentage exceeds 100%, the added value deduction will only apply to the part of the material that can be recycled. The supplier must be able to prove the proportion of materials/components that can be reused/recycled upon request. If the supplier cannot provide this proof, no added value deduction will be granted for this part. If the information on percentages is missing from the bid, no added value will be given.
| |
Technical Specification | Packaging Recycling (upon delivery of goods) | Packaging recycling should be handled by the material companies established for this purpose. The supplier should be affiliated with FTI and ensure that the packaging is included in a functioning recycling system. If this is not the case, the supplier must provide information on how recycling should be arranged upon request.
Procurement of short-dated Foods — City of Gothenburg
Project Description
In a procurement of short-dated foods, the City of Gothenburg has expanded its commitment from reducing internal food waste to also minimizing waste in the supply chain. The collaboration was initiated by Meal Makers and began with a trial period where selected city units tested Meal Makers' products. Following a successful trial, an initial procurement was formulated in close cooperation with legal advisors and the city's former wholesaler. The new procurement was considered to serve a different function than the previous food procurement contract, a function the wholesaler could not currently fulfill. With the shared goal of reducing food waste, a procurement was carried out that did not impose the same shelf-life requirements on the food. Other requirements, such as quality and certifications, remained the same as before. The initial contract period lasted for 3 years and resulted in 43 tons of food that would otherwise have been wasted being put to use.
How Did It Go?
The procurement has been positively received within the organization. The lower prices have allowed the kitchens to purchase high-quality food and enhance citizens' daily lives. Purchases are made through the city’s own e-commerce system and must meet the same environmental and quality standards as foods with longer shelf lives. This way, purchasing short-date foods has become an integrated part of the organization’s daily operations. In the second procurement, the regular wholesaler was also able to participate in the framework agreement, as they had developed a similar service for their customers. In the future, the city hopes that more suppliers will submit bids.
Tips for Getting Started
- It is essential for an organization to take responsibility for its internal food waste, but it is equally important to address waste in the supply chain and create conditions for suppliers to reduce their waste.
- Be willing to experiment.
Practical Information
Project Name: Procurement of Perishable Foods
Procurement Organization: City of Gothenburg
Contract Effective From: 2022
Contact Person: erik.lundqvist@ink.goteborg.se
Circular Criteria for Procurement
Disclaimer! The following criteria are translations of the Swedish criteria used in the procurement. The translated criteria haven’t been used in real procurement.
Criteria Type | Title | Criteria Text |
Mandatory Requirements | Range of Goods |
The supplier's range should include a broad selection of products. Given that the products are offered on short notice and have a short shelf life, no specific assortment can be stipulated in the procurement. However, to make the service attractive to buyers, the range of products should be wide and varied. The buyer is responsible for ensuring that the ordered product meets the requirements for a comparable product under the Food Wholesaler agreement. See Appendix 2 Checklist for Ordering. Organic production, MSC certification, palm oil-free products, Bisphenol A-free packaging, and animal welfare requirements corresponding to Swedish legislation are requirements that the buyer must adhere to. The products offered should be of the type with a Best Before date. Products with a Use By date should not be offered due to the risks associated with food hygiene for such products.